About Us - Kindervalley Montesssori Philosophy
About Us - Kindervalley Montesssori Philosophy
Kindervalley Montessori Academy

Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

The Montessori Method is an education system developed by Maria Montessori, who was the first woman to ever qualify as a doctor in Italy (1896). Through her scientific observation and work with children, she founded the Casa die Bambini (or Children's House) where she developed a philosophy that met the progressive needs of the developing child. This philosophy is based on a child's intrinsic motivation for learning and self-initiated growth.
In a Montessori classroom, children learn from interacting with materials that provide a concrete representation of an abstract concept. This method of learning encourages children to become self directed learners through experimentation and problem-solving. The teacher (or directress) guides children in this process to build self-confidence and promote cognitive development.
The Montessori classroom is also unique in that it is a mixed age classroom, and the children have the option to choose their activities in line with their intrinsic interest. The curriculum is designed with uninterrupted activity time to develop concentration.